To learn how to use microprocessors takes a certain amount of hard work and above all a good teaching method. This course is based on a valid universally recognised method, combining the basic theory with an ample number of experiments and indications, carefully studied to provide the best possible learning procedure while at the same time allowing you to keep track of your progress. With the use of the DENEB range of emulators and the aid of a PC, a powerful and economic development system is obtained. This means that the user, starting from the beginning with microprocessors, will be able to design software and hardware for pcb's that work by themselves to carry out even the most difficult tasks. The purple of the course This self teaching course is intended to explain the functional principles of microprocessors in a quick and easy way and furthermore to teach the software and hardware design techniques used to create the circuits and the application pcb's based on these devices. As a starting point one of the most commonly available 8 bits micros on the market was chosen, the Z80, on which two DENEB emulators have been based: the DENEB Z80 and DENEB Z80P. Then the 64180 micro course was written on which the DENEB 64180 emulator was based. Later, further courses based on the DENEB 8051-2-154 and I/O EMULATOR 8086 were written for another three microprocessors: the 8051 and 68HC11, for the acquirement of single chip techniques and the 8086 for those involved in 16 bits devices. To whom it is aimed Students, teachers, technicians and designers that want to quickly acquire the design techniques of digital circuits involving microprocesssors. Description In order to carry out the coarse the following equipment is necessary:
This CPU board is complete with a bus expander for the connection of a series of boards such as AD/DA Convertor. Serial Board, Sensor-Activator, Motor Control, Robotics, Organ Gate ARRAY design, etc. The boards are initially connected in a horizontal position by means of the bus expander on each of these, then after finishing the design process and having programmed the EPROM, the CPU and its relative boards can be fitted into a standard RACK and used in a vertical position. * WHEN YOU CHANGE THE CPU board to do a different course with another type of micro, the various function boards remain the same. The course begins with the study of the Z80, using the DENEB Z80 text book, DENEB Z80 Emulator, the Board "B" or CPU for the Z80. With the PC and relative step by step software, the first exercises to acquire the ASSEMBLER language are carried out, then the various boards are attached to the CPU to perform a series of projects with the I/O units. As each exercise is immediately put into practise with the emulator and the hardware connected to it, the time taken to learn the working methods of the microprocessor is extremely limited; in just one month a good level of study will have been reached. Having thoroughly studied the 8 bit Z80 micro, one can move on to studying the 64180, 8051 and 68HC11 single chip devices with the DENEB 64180, 8051 or 60HC11 Emulators, the 8051 or 68HC11 text books and the relative CPU board "B" and then later with the use of the 8086 I/O Emulator, relative text book and board "B" for the 8086, carry out the course on the 16 bit 8086 micro. The important thing to remember is that whereas for each course the TEXT BOOK, EMULATOR AND BOARD "B" change, the various I/O boards remain the same for all the courses. DENEB is constanly working to improve its products. As a result, specifications may be changed at any time without notice. IBM and MS-DOS are registered trade marks of International Business Machines Corporation and Microsoft Corporation respectively. |